your letter from The Japan Times of Monday, Nov. 2. I am writing to tell you how interesting I found it. It seems to me to be a valid and sound observation and position; and it corresponds to my own observations here on cross-color sexual interests.
One of the sources of this (but only one) is the feeling that sex between two persons of the same color is as taboo as sex between two persons of the same sex. Consequently a sexual partner of another color is an escape from homosexual temptation.
This can apply to people of different coloring (e.g. blonde and brunette), or of different national or language or educational or religious groups. It is one of the deeper factors that can play a role in marriages between Jew and Gentile. Therefore its influence is not confined to the role of the Occidental in the Orient; although it has special interest here. For instance, a young Occidental who was in analysis for a severe neurosis almost married a young Chinese girl in his effort to escape his own homosexual problem.
My compliments to you and my congratulations on your valuable study. Cordially yours,
Lawrence S. Kubie, M.D., U.S.A.
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